International Bugatti Meeting (2022) – Recap & Photo Gallery

The Occitanie region of southern France recently welcomed some special visitors, all born in the country’s northeastern region. Ready to explore the deep valleys of lush green fields, scattered with historical monuments of France’s rich history across twisting country roads, no fewer than 108 pre-war era Bugatti icons built in Molsheim between 1910-1939 congregated in the village of Najac for a week of automotive heaven, all commonly united by Esprit Bugatti: a long-held passion and admiration for the marque.

Each year, one of the 15 Bugatti Clubs – from 15 countries across Europe, North America, Japan and Australia – organizes the annual International Bugatti Meeting. Returning home for 2022, Club Bugatti France successfully gathered Bugatti owners from 18 separate countries from June 12-19 to sample some of the Occitanie region’s best driving roads, share memories of their cherished automobiles, and celebrate the brand’s history.

A driving route of approximately 1200 kilometers saw the three-figure-strong parade follow the valleys of Lot, Aveyron, and Tarn across southern France in their Bugatti classic cars. The historic castles of Cénevières, du Bosc, and et de Mauriac also opened their doors to welcome these very special guests.

Owners of the pre-war Bugatti cars all relish the opportunity to experience Ettore and Jean Bugatti’s creations as they were intended to be. Despite some of the automobiles being over a century old, their design and engineering stands the test of time, performing just as they did when leaving Molsheim for the first time.