Open Doors at Ecurie Bertelli

The UK’s world famous Pre-war Aston Martin preparation and restoration specialists, Ecurie Bertelli of Olney, celebrated the completion of their newly renovated showroom and facilities by inviting customers and guests to an open day where many brought their own particular Aston to enhance the display of historic cars. Mr. Tony Riseley cut a ceremonial ribbon after owner Andy Bell said a few brief words of introduction and welcome.

“I thought it only appropriate for me to invite Tony to cut the ribbon today,” said Bell. “He is one of the oldest members of AMOC (Aston Martin Owners Club), although retired from racing pre-war Astons today.”

Bell also thanked those who started the business, Judy Hogg, Derrick Edwards and Nick Mason, and looked to the future when Robert and Ali Blakemore will be the “new generation” taking over the business.

The day concluded with a “Tulip” style rally around the nearby Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire villages and countryside. The convivial occasion was enjoyed by all, and plans are afoot to make it an annual event, especially as 2016 will be Ecurie Bertelli’s 40th Anniversary. For further details please visit