1949 Morgan 4/4 Series I
In 1991, Harold Pace stormed out of his home-based shop and proclaimed to his adoring wife, Shelley, at the top of his lungs, that he would never ever restore another car. On that day he had just completed a seven-year restoration stint on a 1960 Bocar XP-5 and he was physically and mentally exhausted. Of course, he gradually forgot about the throbbing and since then Pace has started and finished a 1959 Devin SS-in-a-box project that took a mere six years, and a 1927 Ford Model T Roadster project that is soon bound for Bonneville after five years of fabricating and suffering.
Following all of the above torment (for both Pace and his devoted friend [me] who takes virtually all of the brunt of his frustrations) Harold phoned me in October of 2102 declaring, under oath, that he had absolutely positively sworn off any and all future projects. He said, “It’s time for me to get out of the shop and enjoy the wonderful cars that I have.”