[Book Review] Prestige, Status and Works of Art: Selling the Luxury Car 1888 – 1942

Prestige, Status and Works of Art: Selling the Luxury Car 1888 – 1942

by Thomas T. Solley

This 430-page volume is a comprehensive, beautifully and colorfully produced catalogue of the numerous remarkable artistic efforts of pre-World War II prestige automobile manufacturers and coachbuilders to attract customers to their products. The book is intended to be a reference work and showpiece of great value to collectors of auto ephemera, institutions with collections of early prints and advertising artwork, scholars of cultural and social history, and the lovers of beautiful works of art who collect an occasional piece of auto literature. Solley’s masterfully written commentary for each era also carefully calls the reader’s attention to the changes in cultural and artistic style that laid the groundwork for such a wide variety of fascinating literature. Standard edition, case bound on archival paper, 430pp.

$65.00 @ www.racemaker.com