Glorious sunshine, soaring temperatures and packed event fields combined to make this year’s Beaulieu Autojumble, held on September 8-9, one of the most memorable and enjoyable to date. Motoring enthusiasts from all over Europe and beyond flocked into the picturesque grounds of the National Motor Museum, for the 46th International Autojumble.

Total visitor numbers over the weekend were 38,352, matching the best numbers in recent years.

Although at capacity for stands in the past few years, the event’s team managed to find a few extra spaces to accommodate late entries, resulting in a staggering 2,419 stands. This included 217 cars for sale on the Beaulieu Arena and a record number of classic cars for sale in the Dealermart.

Beaulieu’s Events Manager, Judith Maddox said: “Following on from the London Olympics, which have been declared the best ever held, many visitors to the show were heard to say that this was the best Beaulieu Autojumble to date.”