Inside the Paddock: Racing Car Transporters at Work
By David Cross with Bjorn Kjer
In the modern world, racing car transporters—especially in the sport’s upper echelons—tend to be full-service units with just about everything you could ask for: workshop, office, sleeping quarters and, oh yes, space for the cars. Such has not always been the case, however, although open, flatbed trailers haven’t seen much duty in recent years.
As the phenomenon was gaining momentum, however, you could find transporters ranging from simple trucks with trailers to specially constructed vehicles like the Mercedes-Benz “Blue Wonder” that were works of art in their own right, drawing stares and raves wherever they went.
Transporters initially came into favor when teams realized that driving their cars to the track was no longer wise as it compromised both time and preparation, and always left anyone whose car crashed or blew up wondering how they were going to get back home.
In this well-illustrated work, the authors take us through the years as the concept evolved, showing the various forms these essential vehicles have taken over time. In his Foreword for the book, Lord March calls it “the definitive history of the racing car transporter,” and we see no reason to question his conclusion.
Available for US$89/£59 from enthusiast bookstores, as well as direct from publisher Dalton Watson Fine Books at