New Vintage Organization VDCA Promises a Return to Racing’s Roots

The newly formed Vintage Drivers Club of America has held its inaugural race and organizational meet at Savannah’s Roebling road December 10-12. The new nonprofit club is based in Charleston, SC, and will hold 5 events in 2000 with races at Roebling, Moroso, the newly refurbished Virginia International Raceway, and a new track at Kershaw, SC.

According to its organizers, the club is founded on the desire of many vintage enthusiasts to return to the roots of vintage racing and to provide a place for period prepared authentic sports and racing cars to compete with like-prepared cars. The emphasis is on cars from the ’50s and ’60s, will include a prewar class and will provide a place for properly prepared cars such as “T” type MG’s which the organizers believe have been missing from grids lately.

“The primary emphasis is to bring back the fun to our sport,” said Alex Quattlebaum, one of the organizers. “We feel that quality track time and lots of it, along with a strong emphasis on safety, is of paramount importance to the members.”

Jimmy Dobbsv, vintage racer and collector from Memphis, added, “We want to provide a place where winning is not the most important part of a race weekend, having fun is!”

Questions about eligibility and requests for membership may be directed to VDCA, 1028 LeGrand Blvd., Charleston, SC 29492 (843) 856-0799, (843) 856-0899 FAX or