The Porsche 356 Registry is the world’s largest classic Porsche club, and this web site will tell you as much as you may have ever wanted to know about one of the most popular models Porsche has ever produced. Founded in 1974, the Registry is a non-profit group with more than 7,000 members worldwide that’s dedicated to the preservation and perpetuation of the 356.
Across the top of the Home Page are the site’s basic divisions: About Us; Magazine; News & Events; 356Talk Forum; Classifieds; Resources; Goodie Store and Membership. To each their own, but the most attractive of those destinations seem to be the Magazine, News & Events, 356Talk Forum and Resources. In the first of these you can access issues of the Registry’s bi-monthly magazine, while News & Events keeps members up to date on happenings within the club, the 356Talk Forum provides a conversational link to members who may have experience that will benefit others, and under Resources one can find photo galleries, technical articles and a travel assistance network as well as links to relevant vendors.
So, if you are a 356 owner and have not looked here, do so. If you’ve always loved 356s but never owned one, or if you only wish to know more about this particular Porsche, this could be the site you’ve been looking for.