In the coastal town of Seaside, California, junk car enthusiasts from all around the country gathered to celebrate the peculiar: the 2023 Concours d’Lemons. While most automotive shows showcase pristine, polished vehicles that gleam under the sun, the Concours d’Lemons was an entirely different spectacle. Here, the rusted, the odd, the forgotten, and the delightfully quirky took center stage.
The morning sun eventually broke through the marine layer, casting a warm glow over the Seaside City Hall lawn that had been transformed into a makeshift showground. Clunkers, beaters, and automotive misfits of all shapes and sizes were arranged around the City Hall’s green. Among them a rusty VW Ghia, a shabby Saab, and a micro fire truck that looked like it belonged more in a cartoon than on the road.
Celebration of the absurd
Spectators strolled through the aisles, chuckling and snapping photos of the creatively absurd vehicles. Some entrants tried to bribe judges with drinks, while others served complimentary snacks to attendees. All participants and sightseers shared in the amusement of the event. This was a carnival of automotive eccentricity, and everyone was in on the joke.
In a corner, an enthusiastic group had gathered around an ancient convertible sedan that appeared to be held together by rust and dust. Its red paint was faded and flaking, and the interior was all but wire seat frames with a hay bale thrown in the back seat. This once beautiful hand-built coach came out of the Mercedes factory in 1940 but was left parked for over 50 years in a Michigan barn.
The “Worst in Show” went to Stephen McCarthy for his 1969 Citroën DS21 Safari Wagon dubbed the ‘Yellow Submarine’. Complete with Beatles figurines adorning the rooftop and a homemade periscope, Stephen and his wife wore Sgt. Pepper’s costumes while Beatles tunes played in the car.
Age, car model, and social status dissolved in the shared joy of the event’s moment. The Concours d’Lemons of 2023 had been a celebration of the unorthodox, the imperfect, and the extraordinary stories that often go unnoticed. In a world often fixated on perfection and conformity, events like the Concours d’Lemons served as a reminder that beauty and automotive passion could be found in the most unexpected places.