1000 Miglia (2020) – Details Announced

With 400 vintage cars, thirty less than last year, in order to ensure greater safety and quality of service to the crews in the race, the 1000 Miglia will leave from Brescia on Wednesday May 13th and return on Saturday 16th, after running through Cervia-Milano Marittima, Rome and Parma, passing through Milan.

The latest features of the 38th re-enactment edition of the famous race held from 1927 to 1957 were recently announced in Brescia.


The race will start on Wednesday May 13th leaving from Brescia: the competing cars will drive along Lake Garda, passing through Desenzano (BS) and Sirmione (BS) them through Villafranca di Verona, Mantova, Ferrara and Ravenna, until the leg finish line in Cervia – Milano Marittima (RA).

The next day, Thursday, May 14th, from Cesenatico (FC) the cars will drive down to the areas that still bear the signs of the earthquake of 2016, entering San Marino, Urbino (PU), Fabriano (AN), Macerata, Fermo, Ascoli Piceno and Amatrice (RI). From Rieti, the vintage cars will arrive in Rome, where they will end the second leg by parading along the platform in Via Veneto. 

On Friday May 15th, during the longest leg, the cars will enter in succession Ronciglione (VT), Viterbo, Radicofani (SI) and Castiglione d’Orcia (SI), then stop in the magnificent Piazza al Campo in Siena. They will leave Tuscany through the Cisa Pass and reach Parma, the Italian Capital of Culture 2020, which will welcome the crews for the last night of the race.

On the final day, Saturday May 16th, the cars will pass through Salsomaggiore Terme (PR), Castell’Arquato (PC), Milan, Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI), recently nominated European City of Sport 2020, and Bergamo, before reaching the arrival platform in Viale Venezia in Brescia, where it all began 93 years ago, with the first 1000 Miglia Cup.

“The edition of 1000 Miglia 2020 will be full of new features and will certainly not betray the feeling of wonder and deep emotion that Italians have always shown for the jewels in the race and for those who have the ability to drive them,” said Franco Gussalli Beretta, Chairman of 1000 Miglia Srl. “We have decided to reduce the number of competing cars in order to guarantee greater safety, exclusivity and increase the quality of the services offered to the participants. This year, thanks to the Registro 1000 Miglia, which all cars must be registered into in advance, we have also considerably increased their level of quality and originality, applying greater strictness to the selection.”

Also this year the cars entered in the Ferrari Tribute to 1000 Miglia and in the Mercedes-Benz 1000 Miglia Challenge, the regularity races reserved for the cars of the Maranello and Stuttgart manufacturers, will lead the passage of the vintage cars.

The 400 cars admitted to the re-enactment of the race were selected by a special commission from those previously entered in the Registro 1000 Miglia, the project created to census, classify and certify the main cars of the twenty-four editions of the 1000 Miglia speed races, held from 1927 to 1957, according to two types: “Participant Car 1000 Miglia 1927/1957”, for cars entered in at least one edition of the 1000 Miglia, and “Eligible Car 1000 Miglia”, for cars belonging to a model entered in at least one edition of the 1000 Miglia.

For more information visit www.1000miglia.it