1998 Dauer EB110 Supersport Image Gallery

1998 Dauer EB 110 Supersport Gallery

The Bugatti EB110 was billed as the supercar to end all supercars when it debuted in the early `90s, but rushed development and the companys shaky financial footing left it a flawed jewel. The guys at Dauer Sportwagen have delivered on the original promise and built a monster of a car that does the original vision justice and beyond.

It is great news that when Bugatti went belly-up, every single last nut and bolt from the Bugatti factory went to Dauer Sportwagen in Nuremberg, Germany. A complete spare parts catalogue, with exploded diagrams and part numbers to make ordering easy, is now available form Dauer Sportwagen.

Learn about the 1998 Dauer EB 110 Supersport